Saturday 20 May 2017

Not Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go....

Is there ultimate truth?
Will the truth indeed.. set you free?
Free from what?
Think ye ready to wield the sword of truth?
Have you considered it's double edge?
Have you any idea what will be revealed?
Did you think you'd brandish only outside yourself,
Without seeing your own reflection in it's cold steel?
Is honesty the best policy?
Can anything remain of the "social" fabric
When subject to authenticity?
Has conditioned lying
Led to it's wholesale preference?
What appetite exists for the allowance of genuine love?
Can anything kill a conversation faster than it's expression?
Whose are the lips that dare consistently speak love and truth?
Where are the ears that long to hear it and refuse to run at the sound of it's voice?
Truth will not be held as the thin edge of the wedge
Love might well be more infinite in it's demand, than ever a splendoured thing
Can love prevail?
Even while convinced the righteousness of withholding love, after seemingly endless rebuke
Has anything but another refusal of  love, been added to your experience?
Does the refusal of another to receive,
Draw into question the truth and sincerity of the love expressed?
If your neighbour refuses to be loved ... will you still love yourself?
Is loving yourself enough?
Perhaps it might need to be ... as all that truth renders aloneness....
Returning to the truth...
Did anyone ever say ... that the journey there, would be a joy ride?
Even if the seeking of answers is futile,
Should that mean the end, to conceiving of better questions?
Whether any of this matters to anyone else,
Can I let it matter to me?

Does it matter?

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