Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Way of Write

Through the wonders of electronic technology my book manuscript is winging its way overseas; while I am still here on the home front, continuing to plan for my trip (which commences in 3 weeks). Once I land in London I will briefly be on the same land mass again with my gat-about manuscript. As I'm in London less than twenty-four hours before I'm off again; so the book and I will once again part company - I will be off to Slovenia while it will remain, in Britain. Of course the original continues to reside upon my laptop. (which reminds me, it might be worthwhile about now, to transfer a copy to a storage drive as well). As I consider it's transportation across the globe, as well as mine; I am deeply present to the miraculous.

This electronic medium hasn't even existed over the entire time I've been inhabiting planet earth. Overseas travel, manuscript submissions - wow, the whole thing is a little surreal to me! I am loving that it is all transpiring, I am blessed to have the opportunity, to have these experiences.

It has most certainly added to the excitement I have been experiencing regarding the trip to include in the preparations, correspondence with the individual that will now provide me with the service of "beta-reading" my manuscript. To then be followed by an editing process. Therefore the copy of the original, may soon evolve into something vastly different through this continued evolution. The whole under-taking of the book (as well as the practice the book was based on) is a continuous dance with the unknown. This will be the first time I have subject my written work to this variety of scrutiny. Previous to this, I have submitted to a few "contests" which is a step beyond, sitting on the product of my written expression - but largely hasn't had as it's aim, the providing of feedback nor suggestion for change.

I fancy I can remain open and detached and hold this process as that, which will yield the best possible outcome for this project (at least in terms of it's content and format). But how do I know? I haven't been "here" before.

There are some similarities with the trip. I have some "known" destinations and "events." Even still, they will not present and unfold along predictable lines. The rest of the trip, at present, is comprised of roughly four weeks without itinerary.

Will I continue to engage in the process of the book while I'm travelling? It's possible! I plan to have my laptop along. I had originally envisioned that I would at least continue writing to my blog. I'm sure I'm not the only client, and given both she and I will be "traveling" through Christmas - I have no idea at what rate she will engage with my manuscript; nor what I will be called upon to do with respect to revisions. Should I have waited then, to undertake this next phase, when I was "settled," back home again?

I'm going to go with - No! I was inspired to move on the travel and the book. It does feel to me that there is a fair amount of energy stirred up. That in itself, I'm finding enjoyable and preferable to stagnation. After Slovenia I'm traveling to Ireland. It's possible that once there, I will focus my travel throughout the land of my ancestors. While it's true that there is a vast history of oral tradition throughout the lands; more recent history has left a rather significant legacy of various written works (and those that produce/d) them. I can't begin to delineate exactly how my (re) connection with Ireland is part of my personal soul evolution, however I just "know" it is inextricably going to influence all that I am. What if the call of my ancestors is influencing ..... well.... all of it.

How amazing would it be, to have the opportunity to allow myself to be further steeped in the peat and marrow of my ancestors? To write my way home and bring more home, through what is written.

If I am the lens (the vessel) through which creativity can express - what more can I do to (re) member who I am, where I came from, the vast legacy of my clan, and my part in carrying that forward. I vaguely know that I am part of something far bigger than I ever imagined as one called "O'Neill." Yes I am also part of the greater whole of Humanity itself; but there is a great deal of power and foundation available through ancestral lineage. It anchors, while at the same time empowers; a place and a stand, within the whole. The whole is diminished while it's composite parts deny their potentials and soul inheritance.

Transform the messenger - transform the message.

Potency and clarity await the under-taking of an alchemical refinement. As the warrior's sword is forged through a creation process of it's own - so is the one who will wield it. It can be no different for the "writer" and what was first left on the page. Through hammer, anvil, heat and skilled use of force, iron is honed to tempered steel. In this case then, am I hammer, anvil, forge or the blade of the "instrument?" Do I participate in shaping the outcome or, is the outcome the shape I assume; once the sands of change have shifted and realized reformation?

The journey itself, all of it, is replete with immeasurable spiritual wealth. Knowing it's bigger than me  relieves me of the burden of the need to know; where it's going or how "I'm," going to get there. Mine is to open to that which is beyond me. That make my part pretty simple - I don't have to generate the power; it's really a matter of coming back to a place of saying yes, (again and again) to working with that power.

I did say I was aware of the miraculous at play. I believe this is happening all day, every day, to scores of people. In this, I'm am not unique. I believe it is a learning (or recalling) to have faith in and to expect, miracles. I can state quite emphatically that a great many more doors are able to swing open when one holds this mindset. This is in stark contrast to beliefs I have held, that would suggest: nothing like (fill in the blank) could ever happen in my life...........

I'm taking the shot. It doesn't guarantee there will be no disappointment. However, no shot, draws a very predictable result.

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