Monday 26 September 2016

One for All

Formed in the crucible of the Gods
Subsequently the expressed underpinning of near fathomless creation
Formless, boundless, timelessly unrelenting
Endlessly misinterpreted - though never diminished by it's denial
Equally at hand through action and inaction
Premature forgiveness lessens the unfolding of it's objective healing capacity

Before it can be wielded skillfully by the hands of humanity
Humankind, while in awe of the heavens
Must come to see the pantheon of the mighty
Reflected in their own being
Destiny orchestrated much closer to home
Outcomes not to be scapegoated on celestial overseers

Love's universal alchemy has been railroaded
Often the illusory captive of spiritual bypass and egotism
Interminable patience will carry the day
Misguided power grabs, impotent to stem its flow
Impersonal objectives will outlive the most tyrannical will
No punishment meted out - rather, course revision invitations abound

Each human's refusal to accept his/her own worth
Followed by the pain of this rejection, blamed upon another
Continually stokes the fires of conflict
Beings created in the image of Love
First deny their own divinity
Allowing for capitulation to the powers of vengeance

 Oneness denied, ushers in suffering for giver and receiver
 Largely due to collective denial of divinity
 Choose freely then, your path to the Gods
Know that God and Goddess both,
Mourn the withholding of love
Seeking an alternative - is without blessing divine.

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