Monday 8 August 2016

To "Be the Light" - Lighten Up!

Though I have had quite a diverse range of experiences over the period of time that I have frequently thought of as my "spiritual quest;" things like sweat lodges, fire & pipe ceremonies, some world travel, sacred sites, tombs, cathedrals, wells, stone circles (not to mention the psychedelic '70's which admittedly, were observed with nothing akin to reverence) a far closer to home experience today was every bit as uplifting and soul-satisfying.

Even though the above list is fairly concentrated, having occurred over about an eight year period of my life; it only represents a small percentage of my overall life. As such, I both look forward to additional varieties of experience in this same vane; but I know longer restrict the "spiritual" development of my life to just such experiences. Therefore, my whole life has been and continues to be a spiritual experience!

The experience I referred to earlier took place at the local pool. I had been in the weight room and then the pool swimming doing a few lengths (25m intervals). Come to think of it, that in itself was amazing. I love the feeling of being in the water - once I'm in the water! Getting there - psychologically, can be a bit like pulling teeth! There's this whiny little segment of my psyche that places a great deal of care and concern around "not wanting to get wet." When I say "whiny," I don't at all mean to be demeaning - it's just the most accurate way to describe it. I don't know exactly where this stems from - for sure, in the name of personal integration etc. it's a "call for love" (more specifically from me). Anyway I was happy to have completed 6 lengths in the pool (I haven't done any swimming for awhile) - when a voice came over the P.A. system - "the water slide is now open."

Well then, the hell with swimming lengths - the water slide is open! By the time I put my goggles and stuff somewhere near the exit of the slide and walked back to the "stairway to heaven" there was already quite a line up. I was by far, the elder of those eagerly anticipating some slip sliding thrills. Even the one mother accompanying her daughter and the pool attendant at the top of the stairs, were still "wet behind the ears" - not necessarily from being at a swimming pool.

As we inched our way up the stairway I was enjoying the "bird's eye view of the pool. There was a women still swimming lengths in the "fast-lane" where I had previous been doing my laps. The only reason I went in that lane to begin with was that there was no one else in it at first. When I saw her approaching with her "speedo" suit, goggles and swimming cap - it looked to me like she meant business. I just got straight to the heart of the matter - "are you actually a fast swimmer."

It never occurred to me that she would take that as a challenge. She replied, "I used to be, back when I lived in Toronto, but I haven't swam competitively for quite sometime."

No wonder she perceived a "challenge" she had a competitive back ground.

"The only reason I asked, was that I am not - I just got in this lane because when I arrived, it was empty." "I'll get out of your way." It's possible I could be a faster swimmer - if, I did it with more consistency to build up both the technique and the endurance; at present that is not the case. But, I was there today!

Anyway, from up above I could see this women's "technique" it was a good visual of some pointers a friend was giving me sometime ago. Even when she demo-ed it in the pool, I couldn't "see" exactly what she was describing; I realize now, because I was in the pool. From up above, I could see it clearly. In that moment I got it! Who knows if I can translate it back to my own swimming stroke, but at least now I have made a connection between what was being described and what it looks like.

I got up to the front of the line - so in a matter of moments it would be "go time!" The previous slider got far enough down the slide that I was given my cue to go ahead. Both hands on the bar at the starting gate, I swung myself under and launched. Immediately I bridged my upper body - this leaves feet and shoulder blades in contact with the slide (less friction) more speed!!! A old water slide technique I picked up (probably from some kid). No question, I was flying down that slide!! Probably  all it could do to contain my hurdling form from rocketing right out over the side.  Just at the top of the slide I got slapped in the side the face with a spray of water (I wondered if my contact lens was still in place) aah - who cares, I'm about to break the land speed record!

I came toward the bottom of the slide - I was ready for the wash of water that hits you as you decelerate (breathing out - eyes closed.... perfectly executed!) I stood up and shook the water out of my ears and then noticed.... sure enough, one eye 20/20 ish vision the other, not so much. I guess I blew that lens out after all. No matter, clearly that was the slide of the century. I went into the change room where I could look in a mirror (to verify the lens situation) turns out it had just rolled up under my eye lid. Happy that my last remaining set of lenses still remained, I went back to the pool deck. I had in mind some time in the whirlpool, then steam and then even a short interval in a deck chair in the sun on the patio outside the centre; with this vision in mind and the fore-knowing, I worked in a few hours and wanted time to get home and just chill - I didn't do any more slide. Besides, there was no possible way to top the previous ride, it was destined to be unequalled.

I would do well to remember that "spiritual pleasures"/advancement etc. don't have to involve "other-worldly events or phenomenon; sometimes (often-times) they involve engagement right here on Mother Earth - right here in this dimension. I "answered the call"- in this case the call was, "the slide is opening....."

There was no: "I'm too old for this" "what will everyone in the line think?" "I might hurt myself!"
There was just the freedom to spontaneously and authentically respond to the opportunity in the moment and allow some playful joy. I had, after all a world record to break! No question in my mind that I attained my goal, I didn't sully my realty by looking for any outside verification - therefore the record stands!!

I didn't "know" I was going to do the slide today - I never even know when they are going to open it. For the most part when I randomly go to the pool, I do so, during a time frame that works for me that day. If it happens to coincide with a "family swim" - then I think that is when they open the slide.

The point is - at least for me is, the pursuit of esoteric/other worldly communication, knowing, connection, "enlightenment" etc. is worth precious little, if it is of no "worldly good." No good talking to angels - if one can't converse with their neighbour or the cell phone company (that still remains to be a growing edge for me) the double-talk, lack of attention or maybe even intention to follow through on what has been promised; tries my patience to the nth degree!!) I suppose I can be grateful for that -  I am shown the end of my patience and perhaps I'm being mirrored some part of myself that I have disowned; if so, I could perhaps deepen my own ability to be in integrity.

I'm not saying that waterslides are the path to nirvana for everyone (but they might be). However, play of some sort, most certainly is. Where is it written, that the pursuit of "spirituality" has to be all dire and serious? Well.. maybe it is written somewhere, but that's just someone's spin on it. Doesn't make it true for everyone.

I'm also not about to try and define for anyone else what the path should be comprised of. For me, there needs to be some pretty healthy doses of fun and joy - or what's the point? A mind-set that suggests continued suffering is required, doesn't interest me. I'm here to fully enjoy - being here; so then to me, an altered reality might be useful if it expands my ability to be here, but is of little service if it is for the purpose of "escaping" this reality.

I know full well there are some challenging feelings etc. to go through when one is on a "healing journey" - I am reminded of the line from one of the Psalms : "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death......." note it says "walks through" not purchase some real estate and live there. So you see, I'm not advocating "the spiritual by-pass" (ignoring the "shadow," "darker/more painful feelings") but neither am suggesting one dwell there any longer than need be to work through it.

I will then leave you with (as it turns out now, a timely mantra):

"Let the Games Begin!"

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