Monday 18 July 2016

A Moment in (With) Time

A glorious day ensues, commencing with no burning need to be up before five a.m.  A morning framed in my profound appreciation for the leisure to have a second cup of tea – an opportunity that avails upon me, a sense of the riches of Solomon, whilst be-throned upon my La-Z-Boy.

Upon this day I have been bestowed an interlude –sans – schedule (the first day following a run of thirteen days with only one day off). Clearly, abundant am I. Even from the midst of the last two days of “work,”  I allowed myself to envision, “a minimum of two consecutive days off.” I continued to be inundated with more opportunity to work longer into the days I was already working and to transform my envisioned hiatus, into more work. I held fast to the vision, declining to “bid” on shift for today, successfully securing one for Wednesday (which still allows me to entertain taking Thursday off as well).

With nowhere in particular to go and no time frame in which to get there, I basked in the lap of liberty. Various objectives began to present themselves as possibilities; with delight my backpack became the container for my collective selection.  Bike rather than public transportation caravan the decided mode of conveyance – I set out seeking adventure, accompanied by a solar presence more associated with July.

I was going to visit the library take a couple dvd’s back and inquire regarding renewing a book I hadn’t finished yet (“Round Ireland With a Fridge”). This was a title recommended to me (somewhere by someone) that was available at the local library (but had never been returned – which of course makes it “unavailable”) however; they found it for me somewhere in the province and brought it in. I had initially thought I was “unable” to renew having attempted through the regular online system and been declined (I wondered if it was due to it being sourced from “out of town” – as I had been told upon picking it up, that there were some exceptions to the regular borrow/return procedures.

There was an email address on a card clipped to the book that I had sent a renewal request email to – that elicited no response; that is, until today (minutes before I was ready to go).  An incoming email tone sounded from my computer – I was prompted to “have a look” and it was a notice extending the book until August 8th. That gave me clear direction as to whether I should look to purchase a copy of the book – as I did want to finish the story; but I wasn’t so sure I wanted to purchase and then have the book thereafter, in order to do so.

I went to the library anyway to return two of the three movies I had already watched. Such a contrast my current viewing arrangement presents. Just a week ago I went to the Imax theatre with some friends to take in a movie on that bigger than life screen; meanwhile my viewing pleasure at home takes place on my 13-inch laptop Imax).  I thoroughly enjoy a somewhat more intuitive selection of movies while at the library – mostly I have no familiarity with the titles. Sometimes I read the cover note, however not thoroughly as for example, a movie I selected “Soul Kitchen” (with the idea that I need not be particularly engaged to watch it) turned out to be in German with English subtitles – just the same I really enjoyed the departure from “Hollywood.” Last night I watched “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” – I had thought upon selecting it, that I had either read the book and/or seen the movie before. Nonetheless I brought it home. Once into it I realized I had seen it, but just the same I was moved and inspired with rediscovery.

As I came out of the library I observed a “shift change” of a couple of street performers I’m acquainted with. There they were doing what they do (doing what I sometimes do) – it was deeply satisfying to consider that sometimes “doing that” serves me on many levels, today there was nothing to dictate that I “should” be doing it. I currently have a need to be considerate of some sort of "body language" that attended me in the form of intermittent “head-cold” like symptoms; therefore singing might well be an exertion today that doesn’t serve.

I got on my way with a couple of more movies (I love that they are free and being “older releases,” I have them for at least a week; so I can get to them if and when it works, before they are due back).

My next envisioned visit was to a local watch repair shop, I had this old watch I found in my mom’s dresser when I was clearing out their house. I also found an old watch chain that belonged to my dad’s dad (which as it happens also has my initials – well that is to say, it has the initials of what is my “legal name.” At some point, when I complete the transition to the “O’Neill” clan, I suppose then the chain will demarcate – where I came from, in order to stand in where I came from – which then will be where I am.

The watch “didn’t work,” so I wanted to get an estimate on its repair. It looks a little bit like an old “pocket watch” though not with the closing cover. I had envisioned removing the strap and hanging it on the chain.  This particular shop I have visited various times with watch repair scenarios. I suppose according to some schools of thought all encounters be they “business transactions” or otherwise, are “gifts” (or therein contain gifts) – invariably, every time I go to this shop; (albeit infrequent) I’m clear that I’m in the presence of said gifts! It’s time and again an experience that makes me feel like generating more support for their business even when I don’t currently have anymore – just for the sheer pleasure of it. I don’t know exactly why I don’t feel this way regarding other interactions?

The fellow pops the back of the watch open and looks at it through his magnifying eye-loupe. I guess part of what appeals to me is that though they carry all sorts of “modern” watches, this gentlemen represents “a time gone by” (pun intended) – he fixes things, if possible, doesn’t just throw it away.

Just the other day on my walk to the park (which was featured in another blog post) there was a “big screen” t.v. on the boulevard with a “FREE – works well, moving, nowhere to put it” sign on it. I had to laugh at myself as I briefly considered what it would take to wheel it back to my place. Fortunately, I’ve been there done that! Some years ago I had one of those behemoths! I was stunned at this thing sitting abandoned on the boulevard. In it’s “hay-day” it probably commanded a price somewhere between $3500 – 5000) now there it sat, redundant and free! Trust me, even if you acquire it for nothing – it is not “free.” At some point it will cost you: time, money, energy or all the above. I was fortunate mine still worked when I decided to “free” myself of it. I found a local non-profit that wanted it for their women’s shelter for “movie nights.” They even came and picked it up. Otherwise when they cease to function, you are faced with a huge repair bill, or the monumental task of dealing with this significantly inanimate hulk.

The watch repair fellow says “seems to be working fine” needed winding. (oh ya, I remember now, that once was a requirement of watches – I flashed to a line from an old George Carlin bit: “I don’t know whether to shit or wind my watch…… Maybe I’ll just shit on my watch!!!)

“Good thing it works … probably $150.00 dollars to repair”, he says.  Not really worth it – nobody fixes these old watches anymore. Not worth anything – unless you have a gold case, even then, just the case is salvaged for the gold – don’t fix the watch. Sentimental value only! Be very careful with this watch, not shock proof……. Ha-ha-ha, not even dust-proof! Nope not a gold case – there you go – sentimental value.. They don’t even keep time, but it’s working!!

“What do I owe you?” “Nothing”, he says. He had taken off the strap and I hung it on the chain. Then I let it swing back and forth and said, “look now I can hypnotize people!”

Don’t swing the watch …… they’re not shock proof, sentimental value only!!

No gold in the watch – but certainly the mother lode in value regardless. “Wind the watch!!.. humbling and a reminder, I can always learn newly (or be reminded of an old idea I’ve forgotten) The watch was a conundrum sitting at home; an answer revealed, when I became willing to seek it from someone else. “They don’t keep time anyway- only sentimental value…” There is more important things than “time” and ultimately time doesn’t really matter (nor exist at all….)

As I sit here writing this now (some three hours after being at the shop, the watch is still running and has “lost only a couple of minutes.” The value of the watch is the part it played in the “quest” it created – how many – days, weeks, months, years are lost – “living and dying” over minutes? Experiences are denied or obscured while priority is given to “how much time it took or will take…. Maybe too much “value given to sentiment?”

I knew my intended journey was going to involve getting to Beacon Hill Park, by that time the “itinerary” took the shape of gastronomical delight, to enjoy in combination with, nature’s embrace.

I went by a local market and got myself some “picnic food” to have at the park. As entered the park I began to seek somewhere I could enjoy my food and some shade. As I approached the “band shell” it became apparent there was a performance underway. I believe it was an all women’s choir (as far as could tell from my vantage point). I found shade beneath tree (where I continue to sit now, though the concert is long over).   I’m now like some twenty-first century seeker – my “Bodhi tree” a Douglas Fir (though I have over the last number of years come to be associated with the “Green Man” – I don’t know at present what, the tree might have been called prior to the colonialist “Sir” James Douglas and his band of privateers, pirates and cultural dismantle-ists arrival. Perhaps another quest for another day! My “cushion” the padded case for my laptop. How luxurious – space both inside and out – food not just a minimal portion with which to sustain life, but a feast; while it’s consumption exceeds it’s simple fare, nourishing heart and soul.

The choir’s “encore selection” “Parting Glass” – the bevy of angels weave harmonies that stir the voices of the O’Neill’s through the ground I sit on, reverberating in my heart, conjure my eyes a wash with a love that surpasses “time and sentiment;” that beckons from another time and is saturated in sentiment like myst hung upon the bog.

An old watch from time past; a throw-back to yester-year, “doesn’t even keep time,” but it opens the door to the profound present.

“Not worth much, only sentimental value!”

Priceless I’d say!

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