Sunday 8 May 2016

Heart is Where the Home Is

I need wonder no further what the "inspiration" for today's post will be and so I give you: "I am One with the Divine Mother."

I heard it this morning, at a gathering I occasionally attend, of a group that call themselves "the Centre for Inspired Living." I was guided to go nearly a year ago; on that occasion, it was "Father's Day" - the caption on the notice I received through email, said something about "honouring the Sacred Masculine;" that caught my attention straight away. So often I perceive that all things "Masculine" are maligned, vilified and even looked upon as a pathology. Of course I must acknowledge my lens, which was skewed by my own ancestral karma and is mine to heal. What better way to expand that path than to experience the masculine being honoured, I see modelled; ways of being and holding the masculine, in a sacred way - and thereby learn to extend that gift to myself.

A common thread through that first time experience and today's theme (which focused on "Mother's Day) was I had an initial "call" to attend and then, I began to second guess that and conceive of "reasons" not to go.  In today's situation I had the benefit of having experienced how deeply healing last year's experience was - so I could consider the "prompting" to go today; might well be, that it would be beneficial.

The statement I opened with was offered pretty early in the proceedings - I had made it there "early" so I was able to take part in the meditation period that is offered before the main gathering. Having had this time to "open" I may well have made me more receptive to the "idea;" or perhaps, it was just time.  Neither of my mother's are here any longer (in earthly form) so I took my being "one with the Divine Mother in deeply. My heart soaked it in and validated the truth of it. At the same time - to make a long story short, I recognized that both my mother's had been instrumental in my coming to embrace this divine truth and that a significant repercussion of that truth; was that I was to be the ongoing expression of the Divine Mother.

A couple of things are worth mentioning at this point. I believe this is the birthright of everyone - it is not exclusive to me. I am just touching on my ongoing awakening experience. The other thing is that I don't come to this Oneness through the renunciation of the Divine Father (Sacred Masculine). I believe that regardless of gender a fully evolved expression of the "Divine" would be the balanced perfect "marriage" of both the masculine and the feminine - this is my belief regarding the "Creator."

I'm not here to denounce any other belief - I'm simply honouring my own. My writing and ways of being will reflect the ongoing evolution of those beliefs.

Very soon thereafter it became clear how in the present I was going to be an expression of that Divine Mother. An opportunity to present the women in the room with a rose, as part of the ongoing honouring of the day. At first the women officiating called on the "ushers" to perform this "task," then, she expanded the invitation; to include "any men" in the room to participate. Without even thinking, I was the first to stand (in truth, probably some of the most meaningful acts and experiences I have had, involve little to know, "thinking.")

It's all energy and reaches far beyond linear time and space (which is about as far as I'm going to endeavour to explain "it") therefore the women I presented roses to and thanked and blessed; with at least as much heart as I was able to access,  were my mothers. There were three in total (women I honoured) while I was simultaneously being honoured. Three, a spiritually potent and significant number. Roses sometimes used to symbolize the unfolding heart of "Christ consciousness" and/or the perfect love and compassion of the "Madonna" Mary of Nazareth (Mother Mary). I had just been praying while walking to the gathering - to the Mother, Mother Mary bring me Home!" (a suggestion I picked up in a recent book I'm into)

The women received their roses with such beauty and grace - it was a moving exchange for both them and I.  What a gift it was for me to be "used" in this way. An opportunity to further soften within my heart - to offer forgiveness (receive forgiveness) feel into my sadness; that my mother's were impacted by patriarchal systems and repression of the feminine. Oh sure I'd love to present myself as some lily-white paragon of virtue; however, the truth is, I have been party to upholding some of those patriarchal structures, as much as I have been hobbled by them.

Maybe today was an opportunity to gain some insight into what it means to "be one with the Divine" to be that "instrument." God is the source, God is Love, Love heals, God is the "healer" but each has the opportunity be an active, "passive" participant.

Of course I can't articulate the breadth and depth of this experience for each of the women; I'm not without some powers of perception, so I certainly could sense it had meaning for them. For me it was a deeply intimate experience. I have no way of knowing how these things effect human consciousness as a whole. When I left the venue people were walking their dogs and doing their sunny Sunday activities; which of course would have included Mother's Day brunches etc. In other words it appeared much like any other day in "Cook Street Village."

As I am part of the a fore mentioned human consciousness, I know I am changed - therefore change has been further set in motion. I went to this gathering today curious as to how I would hold my own heart and soul with regard to the "day." The answer became immediately intuitively available; when I first arrived, I simply wished those I encountered, a Happy Mother's Day! Beyond that it soon became apparent that there were wounded hearts beyond my own; that as it happens, included and embraced mine, while as "Spock" used to say: "the needs of the many,  out weigh the needs of few; or the one."

Happy Mother's Day!

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